-=Server: [ArieTheFloof]=-



Wake up, its pitch dark, you look around and see a faint warm light,
with little hesitation you begin walking towards the light, the light
reveals itself, its a multi story apartment block. A sudden rush of blood
comes at you, you see a black figure above you opening a door, They stare
in your general direction for a few seconds before rapidly running down
the stairs, you quickly escape to the nearby trees, you begin climbing the
trunk of a tree and are struggling to get 4 meters off the ground, the
figure bolts right under you, you see a innocent soul running for their life,
the black figure grabs them and slices their head off in a snap, blood
comes gushing out, then the figure turns around to see you barely
holding on to the tree.


You are hiding in a cabin with your friend named holly. The cabin
is located in a highly secured compound with guards patrolling the
area regularly. You are afraid that the guards will take holly
because she is different, she isn't like the others so she must
be eliminated. You managed to hide a few items among the small
cabin anything that would make it easier to find out that holly
is different. You hear chatting outside, so you peek outside
a small hole in the wall, a couple of guards are heading
towards your cabin. There is nothing you can do, they have
found you, if you sneak out you will be shot. The guards bust
down the door and grab a hold of you and holly. They knock you out
cold. You slowly awake, you are in some sort of medical centre with
rooms off left right and centre. As the guards slam your body to the
wall, holly is placed on a operating table of sorts.
You yell “There is no reason for this! This doesn’t make sense!”
The surgeon replies: “soon you will sound like Chris Murray”
You have no idea who this Chris Murray is, or what that means.
A well dressed figure comes into the room that you are in.
“I need you to be a good little girl and hold still,
I could take holly out if you don’t cooperate.”


You are rather sad today, you come to the conclusion that hiding
under a chair was the best choice to shut the world out and be in
your own space. This wasn't any ordinary chair, It was a couch side
chair witch provided a space underneath to hide easily. A few minutes
goby and your quietly sulking over how overwhelming everything is.
You hear gunshots outside, followed by loud knocking at the door
“ANYONE IN THERE?” a mysterious voice booms, you just hide quietly
under the chair and hope they don’t notice you. BAM the door falls
over and hits the floor, you hear heavy footsteps slowly approach
your position, the footsteps appear to have gotten further from you,
so you try to peek and move to a better hiding spot. As you quietly
move around you see a well built man who is wielding a shotgun.
The large man must have seen you because he shot near you and missed,
you quickly pretend to play dead, and the man thinks he’s killed you
and continues on deeper inside the house. As you lay there you hear
more footsteps approaching, these ones are lighter and quicker.
Before you can gain more info on what is happening, You feel the
presence of someone who is right on top of you, a sharp pain hits
you in your left thigh, you have just been shot! You flinch a tad
at the stinging pain that caused, the person draws out another
object, and your head slams into the floor, and blood is seeping
out of head creating a pool of blood, its weird because you don’t
feel anything. They have just managed to hit the part of the brain
where pain is processed. You just stare at the ground in a pool of
your own blood. Whilst these men shoot anything that moves.
